Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Korean financial crisis (3-final)

Korean had been damaged from financial crisis too much. Therefore, Korean government made a campaign to clear national debt. We are calling that is national debt compensation movement. That campaign includes sell personal gold to government because Korean government could exchange gold to U.S Dollar. First of all, the reason of national debt was coming from shortage of U.S Dollar. All of countries world except countries which are having economical restriction such as Cuba or North Korea etc could not import or export without U.S dollar. Therefore, Korean government had to secure U.S dollars to make balanced amount of import and export.

Korean government did not have to worry about export; however, import was extremely huge problem. Currency of Korea Won was too low at that time.

Korean government made not only gold selling campaign but also other movements such as save money, create more saving accounts etc. Finally Koreans effort did not betray them. We could reduce damages from Korean financial crisis. Of course, we are still in the financial crisis because some of people were still not in home because they have not confidence to stay with families. But this term of financial crisis gave us huge moral. Therefore, we could have powerful competition level.

Just I want to say is that we hope prevent this kind of crisis when it comes again.

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