Friday, January 29, 2010

Conference at Jan 27

I went to Eccles Conference Center at Jan 27 earlier morning. The meeting holder was Mike Kavis who is working for CTO M-Dot Network, and his main topic was SOA and Cloud Computing Beyond the Myths. It was quite well presentation to discuss each other. However, it was too high level for me unfortuately. First he handed out for Disaster versus Nirvana. Frankly speaking it was comparable such as heaven and hell as his two extreme views. And he explained about humans' being were totally divided by time, money, people, change and architecture. It was little weird to me to consider that. Why architecture, I cannot still understand on his expression. How human can take much more weing being for? He used lots of examples with clouds and uses to make us understand easier. My favorite point was ubiquitous network access. I will go to much more deepr for key to integration which is including in ubiquitious network access. Key to Integration talked about touchpoint, settlement, inventory and CRM by M-Dot. CRM systems for their well being basement. Touchpoint is for much easier, comfortable etc. Those things were the things for people's well being. In their mechanism, they talked about imporatnace of data services, that will be really important for our lives, we can get much more well-being if we use those kind of datas much easier. I want to make sure that not only well-being but also relationships/communication for our lives. Therefore, conference meeting was quite wealthy for me.

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