Thursday, April 22, 2010

Final One

1. 小伦回到小雨的时空只有小雨看得到他吗?

之后, 他不能看到小雨. 电影后半, 小伦要到小雨的时代从1999年. 但是他不能来1979年虽然他打. 还有小雨就是要看小伦. 他们的运名不能受到他们的要求.

2. 那本神秘琴谱是谁放的?

我不太清楚! 但是琴是必定小雨的学生时候的琴. 比如说, 他们公寓他们的影响一起都小伦和小雨. 所以, 琴应该小雨的. 我不能说别人从学校.

3. 电影最后当小伦回到小雨的时空,小雨在教室看到小伦时,为什么没有高兴地抱小伦?

我想小雨公寓他们的美记忆. 虽然小雨要看小伦.她已经死了. 真率说, 看一起人们从普通世界还是死后世界从人应该不能看见一起.

4. 小伦的爸爸为什么跟他的儿子关系那么好?

所以小雨是小伦爸爸的20年前的学生在一样的地方. 小雨相信她的老师很多.但是他背信小雨的要求.我听过我觉得他有秘密崖约言.他应该不要说她和他的秘密别人.但是他说过.

5. 为什么只有一些人能看到小雨?

所以,小伦的要求是很强. 他打琴的时候,我能觉得他很要想看小雨.但是结果是应该不太好了. 我决定. 应该小论的梦想应该.

6. 爸爸最后怎么了?他跑得很快去追小伦以后就死了吗?

他还没有时间觉得他的孩子. 所以他觉得小伦要看他的老学生小雨经常.他应该觉得了他的孩子毕业的时候.他的觉得应该很奇怪 的.

7. 你喜欢这个电影吗?为什么?

电影的内容是还可以. 但是我真不喜欢男主人公.我打仗一起我以前女朋友,所以他.我在中国的时候.真率说, 如果男主人公是别人.怎么样?

8. 小雨是她男朋友(小伦)的妈妈吗? =.=

小雨应该不是小伦的妈妈.但是我们都不知道小雨是妈妈和不是? 如果她是真的小伦的妈妈,电影应该真不好的. 没有意思的.我觉得.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Korean financial crisis (3-final)

Korean had been damaged from financial crisis too much. Therefore, Korean government made a campaign to clear national debt. We are calling that is national debt compensation movement. That campaign includes sell personal gold to government because Korean government could exchange gold to U.S Dollar. First of all, the reason of national debt was coming from shortage of U.S Dollar. All of countries world except countries which are having economical restriction such as Cuba or North Korea etc could not import or export without U.S dollar. Therefore, Korean government had to secure U.S dollars to make balanced amount of import and export.

Korean government did not have to worry about export; however, import was extremely huge problem. Currency of Korea Won was too low at that time.

Korean government made not only gold selling campaign but also other movements such as save money, create more saving accounts etc. Finally Koreans effort did not betray them. We could reduce damages from Korean financial crisis. Of course, we are still in the financial crisis because some of people were still not in home because they have not confidence to stay with families. But this term of financial crisis gave us huge moral. Therefore, we could have powerful competition level.

Just I want to say is that we hope prevent this kind of crisis when it comes again.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Korean Financial Crisis (2)

Frankly speaking, we are already heading for financial crisis from top of 1990s. But we could not feel serious/critical problem from these. First of all, biggest problems for financial crisis was from people's extravagance. Mainly 1997, financial crisis started with reality. One of company Hanbo Steel tried to construct 5 trillion won (Type of Korean currency, it was similar wealth with 3 billion US Dollar )wealth's iron-mill with 4 trillion won of debt. and they were bankrupted as an example.

Therefore, we have no other options except exports and restructure. Korea was in almost closed to national bankruptcy. That is origin from we called the Age of International Monetary Fund. A lot of people lost their job from companies' restructure because each companies had to reduce number of employment to prevent more deficits for companies. We could see many unemployment, not vagabond. In other words, they have a home, and families but they have no confidence to live with their families. So it was really easy to see road sleeper (not homeless) on the railway stations or subways. That was our biggest sorrow stories at bottom of 1990s.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


1.这种的电影给我们想很多的意见. 从电影, 我们都看过路小雨登场都1979年和1999年的时候!为什么路小雨她登场?



Friday, April 9, 2010

Korean Financial Crisis (1)

At 1996, Korea has extreme financial crisis from their national debt. Previous President Young Sam Kim has almost final time to work as the President at that time. Korean financial crisis were already shown to our sight immediately. In other words, we could expect that crisis would come soon. First of all, Korea has not much power to dig suitable information from World Trade situation. It make Korea economics become to get a situation like bankrupt. Second reason, that is from lack of communication with other countries especially well-done developed countries such as Japan, France, Germany, and the United States etc. Therefore, Korean government could not prevent Korean Financial Crisis before crisis occurred.
Frankly speaking, It was okay at first time of Korean Financial Crisis. We could not feel seriously at that time. However, wealth of Korean currency has been going down too much. So, import planning has been canceled a lot because it means that Korean companies imports products from foreign countries with higher valued money. In addition to, petroleum prices from Middle Asian Countries gave me extreme damages to us. Finally, Korean government called International Monetary Fund to support to Korean government gets additional U.S Dollars. Korean government has already not anymore official U.S Dollars to handle their financial situation. Therefore, we called the Mr. Candsh who was French person as Vice President of International Monetary Fund. We have signed with International Monetary Fund.
We called Age of IMF after Korean government lend money 6 billions U.S Dollars from International Monetary Fund. Next continuous of cruel financial crisis and sorrows, I will mention on next week. I cannot write this kind of topic without tears. It gave me and others who are Koreans have huge sorrow and crisis of life.

P.S., Totally these contents would divided by three parts including make-up week.

Friday, April 2, 2010

blog 3

1. 观察电影里的校园和家庭生活(学生的穿着,学生作息, 同学互动关系,师生互动关系,父子互动关系)。50 characters

他们穿他们的学校的校服. 他的休息方法是运动和弹钢琴. 同学们的关系是比较好的, 但是我看过有点儿小矛盾. 电影的主人公行为是消极的. 因为他来这个学校是受他的父亲的影响. 所以他和他父亲的关系应该不好.

2. 观察电影里的情侣对爱的表达方式 (身体语言,互动方式)。同时也写下任何你有的疑问 。50 characters

男主人公有两个女朋友. 还有他喜欢和两个女朋友一起弹钢琴. 和两个女朋友一起骑自行车.
为什么主人公不能决定他的心. 以及他为什么这样处理他的关系.

Five skills desired in a prospective employee

This is quite hard question to me. It depends on situation. If so, I can say only my case. Five skills desired in a prospective employee. Those five skills which will be required for employees would be really hard to obtain it. Each skills, it is really hard to get it, and it requires that people spend lots of times, moneys, and efforts. Unfortunately, I do not know other people's standard. Therefore, I have no any other ideas except explanation of my case. Anyways, I will give an explanation of my case.

I am Scholes Kwon who wants to find a job in New York City after graduation. However, it will really difficult to find a job in New York City because there is world of full competition. I mentioned on business communication skills parts last week's blog. Total 12 applicants for entry-level of Samsung Investments can speak at least three languages. Frankly speaking, people who has less than three languages skills(and it should be really fluent) are really hard to survive in New York City nowadays. Of course, it does not imply to all of companies in the world. However, number of companies in the world requires at least 2 ~ 3 foreign languages excluding mother languages are increasing now. That is my first required skill for prospective employee.

Second, Basic administration skills required for all of prospective employee. It can be copying, wording, typing, or tiny working etc. Of course, all of companies are aiming for employees to have an expert knowledge. However, if she or he does not have basic administration skills. It would effect negative things to all of other workers. Sometimes, it will make other workers spend much more times to reeducate new employee. It also effect to relationship among workers in the company.

Third, I mentioned on basic administration skills at second skill part. It will influence negative things to human relationship. Basic requirements/goals of company is create much more benefit with good item/corporation. Corporation could be related with human relationship. In other words, it can be express as synergy efficacy. Therefore, it can be shown as huge benefits cannot be created without corporation. Anyways, relationship is big part of prospective employee.

Fourth, it is communication skills. Nowadays, we are in 21st century's world. It means that speed is biggest part of 21st century's business. First of all, employees should be sensitive with changeable information process. It shows that importance of newspaper, media, internet etc. That is why almost of all businessmen or businesswomen in the world are watching newspaper, media, internet etc every informational sources everyday. Communication skills contains not only informational speed ability but also, it contains relationships, decisions too.

Finally, I think that is most important part as a prospective employee in the world. That is sincerity. It is not honesty. But it requires honesty too, but it is not most important part. It can be connected with healthy. Therefore, I want to say that both sincerity and healthy. Skills, basics, relationships, communication skills etc would impossible with basement of healthy and sincerity.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Samsung Investments

It was pleasure to stay in New York during spring break. New York was biggest city in the United States, and also there is main headquarter of economy in the world. The place what I applied for Samsung Investments which is located in New York too. I loved to stay in New York for a while, but there was really hard to live for being because there were extremely expensive even living expense. In 1o days of New York gave me new dream, and new way to aiming for. Samsung Investments was my first button to have my dream. So, I prepared for interview in the New York. But I had to adapt on the New York situation, and who is my interviewer or which concept Samsung Investments really want to know. Therefore, I had to prepare not only interview but also gather relevant information such as Samsung's concept etc.

Finally, March 19 am 10:30, I had a time to spend with Samsung Investments in Samsung International Recruiting Office where is locating on Manhattan Midtown. I prepared not only Korean or English but also Mandarin Chinese. I arrived at office 9:00am. Other interviewees were waiting in there. Total number of interviewees is 12. I should crash them to obtain entry-level on Samsung Investments as an intern. But other 11 interviewees could speak at least three languages. And seven interviewees in our total appliers, they are from New York University who are preparing to graduate. So I really nervous about that because my interviewer was from New York University. I tried to use skill which I learned from Business Communication. But results has been really negative.

I think I failed, they are not reacting or contacting anymore, even time was gone almost one week.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Copied from CHIN 3020

1.我是朝三暮四的人. 我真不能决定我的作为的事很快. 比如说,我已经换我的专业三次了. 机器工课程到警察行政课程到金融等.

2. 割席绝交的时候理由是大多人间关系问题了. 如果我朋友在一起我的爱人, 我应该觉得太麻烦,还有解决问题是差不多不可能.

3.直率说, 我很难决定同意还是不同意.我很想很重要一幅很传神的画,所以那是太表演和描社.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Presentation 2

It was quite hard to prepare for collaboration presentation. I mentioned our organization at last post. My part was that how to use a wiki spaces. I prepared for edit, discussion, new page, notify me, history, recent page, and manage wiki. Before we tried to record, we divided our parts in this paragraph. Frankly speaking, I was so nervous about recording because I know my voice could not be cleared when it record. Probably it should be problem from non-native English speaker. Therefore, I tried to record it, but sounds in power-point presentation was extremely terrible. Of course, I tried to not only once, but also twice, three times, four times in library. But my sounds were still terrible. Therefore, I felt lots of nervous on this collaboration project. Even though Professor Janet would think about it. I thought I would make my classmates Jordan, Zach get a damage from me because this is group work. Therefore, I asked to Jordan to send an e-mail to explain our situation. And after that, Jordan wrote and sent to e-mail to Janet. We waited quite long time for replying e-mail from Janet. We already finished to record for all of slides in power-point presentation except my part. Of course, I finished to record six slides in presentation in case of her answer. Thursday 23:00, my professor Janet replied e-mail to Jordan. Of course, answer was that we already expected. Thereby, we just put my voice-recording on slide after we got message from Janet. But I am still feeling like that I damaged my classmates, but I did do my best on this presentation recording. I am sure, Janet would treat higher on my effort even though recording was quite terrible for presentation, I hope so. Now, I am staying in English computer lab to wait writing center's schedule. I am feeling like I am going to grown up day by day. I hope I will make end of unit letter perfect because I am so cool.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Collaboration project

This type of my typing would be kind of diary. This is my first time to group work in this year. So, I am little bit strained. And that project is for MIS 2200 class. Let's see the guideline. I choose Wikis. And my members are Zach Patterson, Jordan D. Kite and I. It would be quite fun to do this project even though I am feeling extreme strain. Frankly speaking, we did not do much things for this project, we are still in beginning of this project. For example, we only established our schedules for this project. Our part of this project would be divided by Set up Wikis, How to use Wikis, and History of Wikis. Those things would be our exact main points for our content. Therefore, we found a tool called Wikispaces to support our project. We can go through Of course, I did not create my own blogs yet. I think that I would create soon. From the sites, we could find line(also called command box) manage wikis on middle of left from web site. It does have totally 5 main boxes for manage wiki. 1. About, 2. Content, 3. People, 4. Settings and finally No.5 Tools. My part is that how to use wiki. All of this part would be really important for my part of this project. Whatever, it does have various key commands, I will talk about much more detailed information on next blog, if I can because I want to be really professional knower for this part for both of project and blogs.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Good News Letter/ Bad News Letter

People has lots of methods to complaint about something else because complaint can make one or over than that of group/company better. I can said that demonstration as an example. I was from SWAT ( Special Weapon Attack Team ). Therefore, I had been experienced to conflict between one side and one side. The case of I have seen was really huge miscommunication. In other words, they have their own other opinions. They are not listening others' complaint. Thereby, I felt a lot about importance of communication. Sometimes, one person could gun shot to other elses by only miscommunication. That should be really unfortunate thing.
Those things are coming from communication. For example, people of one side cannot accept or follow from other sides' opinion exactly. Sometimes they send few letters for some complaint.
In this time, I want to talk on this blog about Good News Letter and Bad News Letter. Of course, Business Letter has their own form. However, writer should care about content and his or hers' emotion when write a good or bad news letter. For example, both of good or bad news letter can make readers' emotion bad really easily. So, writers have to careful about writing to readers.
I would hand three scenario assignments soon. Frankly speaking, number one and two's scenario was absolutely manufacturers' fault. Therefore, scenario 1, 2 writing was really easy for me. However, scenario 3 was extremely different. I think it was not a fault for manufacturers. It can be shown as fault of customer, Alice Little. Alice Little, she did not know how to manage to blouse. It is basic of knowledge about treatment of blouse. Of course, blouse should be shrinked when it takes heat. Therefore, manufacturers put tags on inside of blouse such as only Hand Wash in cold water. Frankly speaking, manufacturers' fault are exacly none. However, company worker who will write good news letter. They should not aim for only customers' fault. That is really not good manner for customers even though it was customers' fault. So, writers should apologize about situation from Alice. And keep make her honor for their image because customers are really favorable for companies. They should be let them do not use or buy company's product anymore. Writers required for high level communication skill for this letter to minimize customers' anger. That is a task for letter writer.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Conference at Jan 27

I went to Eccles Conference Center at Jan 27 earlier morning. The meeting holder was Mike Kavis who is working for CTO M-Dot Network, and his main topic was SOA and Cloud Computing Beyond the Myths. It was quite well presentation to discuss each other. However, it was too high level for me unfortuately. First he handed out for Disaster versus Nirvana. Frankly speaking it was comparable such as heaven and hell as his two extreme views. And he explained about humans' being were totally divided by time, money, people, change and architecture. It was little weird to me to consider that. Why architecture, I cannot still understand on his expression. How human can take much more weing being for? He used lots of examples with clouds and uses to make us understand easier. My favorite point was ubiquitous network access. I will go to much more deepr for key to integration which is including in ubiquitious network access. Key to Integration talked about touchpoint, settlement, inventory and CRM by M-Dot. CRM systems for their well being basement. Touchpoint is for much easier, comfortable etc. Those things were the things for people's well being. In their mechanism, they talked about imporatnace of data services, that will be really important for our lives, we can get much more well-being if we use those kind of datas much easier. I want to make sure that not only well-being but also relationships/communication for our lives. Therefore, conference meeting was quite wealthy for me.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Introduction, < First Story > Economics 3400 ( International Economics )

This is Young Jin Kwon, but I like to be known as Scholes Kwon, that should be much better to listen. Semester 2010 Spring has been started. Frankly speaking, I am very nervous to write some written things on my blogs. Therefore, I want to be take an easy exactly. I have a total 4 blogs personally. I have facebook, cyworld, daum and including this bloggers. I will be little bit hard to manage whole blogs. It is a lot I think.
Now I am taking MIS 2200 class, and this class called Business Communication, it could be simliar with class based on writing. I think that could be another good chance to raise both my Business and writing skill as I wish. I hope I can keep good relationship with Marianna too, I will do my best on this class.
I will start my first story. I am taking lots of class. Chinese 3020, MIS 2200, MUSC 3020, ECON 3400 and GEOL 3100 etc. It should be tough. However I can use only 2 class following MIS 2200, ECON 3400 for this blog because other classes are not Business class. I will choose a topic from MIS 2200 or ECON 3400 for this blog every week.
I read a book called the choice for ECON 3400 last week. Professor Diana Thomas gave all of students to do our own assignment. We had to read a book called the Choice before do assignment, author is Russell Roberts who is working for George Mason University. I think he has lots of dream, sometimes he is falling in his own wonderland by himself. That was kind of huge funny points because I want to be fall in my own wonderland when I want to. He is passionate economist. He loves both David Ricardo and Ed Johnson. He commented on his writing that I want to meet those two famous economist if I can go back to past. I read two chapters for my assignment last week. Chapter 1 is talking about Law fum story. That was only 1 page story that Lawyers asked about David Ricardo's achievements to decide that How much Government will go to give him prize. That is not important for this story. Main story will come from Chapter 2. It was quite funny story. That was meeting between David Ricardo and one of company owner. The time was divided by two session. One is the time just before Great Depression, year will be around 1927 to 1930. And another one is almost closed to present. David Ricardo explained industry's development from day by day. And one of company owner had shocked about present situation. Of course, owner's consideration was focused on the time before Great Depression, that should be different. David Ricardo said one employment can make one television per less than day, however owner's worker could make an one televsion per two weeks. Therefore, David Ricardo explained everything will go to really fast. Present's televsion market was conquered by Japan and South Korea. Instead, Government of the United States depends on drugs(pharmacy) market to earn money from Japan. David Ricardo explain nowdays' world is really cruel too.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Scholes Kwon

This is Scholes Kwon.

And this blog created for MIS 2200 class.